This past semester of college was a particularly tough one, finding me up all night or getting very little sleep for full weeks most of the time. It definitely stretched me thin and brought me right to the edge, but I endured and would like to think I am better for it. I pulled out a 3.25 for the semester, which is better than I expected, but also not as good as it could've been. Also, I am not looking forward to next semester. 15 class hours + project time outside of class + working to pay bills + making time for important things like spiritual life and friends = practically impossible. We'll see how that goes.
Yes, school has been out for a week and a half or so. The reason I haven't written yet is because MY LIFE NEVER STOPS. I have been trying to just relax this break, maybe do nothing when I can, but I've also been keeping busy, because I don't particularly like doing nothing. As I write this, even, I feel like I should be out doing something instead of writing you. But I want you to know that you're important and I haven't forgotten about you.
A few things I've been doing:
-finished editing a wedding I shot back in September
-worked on writing/recording music (not much progress there, but a little)
-took photos for my friends' band Tactics
-shopped for gifts
-drove "home" and back for this little thing called Christmas
...along with several other things along the way. Oh, and I played soccer a few days ago for the first time in a long time. I haven't been able to work out all semester because, as I've said, I was very busy. So let me tell you, my legs hurt so bad the past two days, and still today. And my ribs even hurt. Not sure why, but they do.
Before I close this, I'd like to ask you a question or two. Do you think dreams are important? I have been struggling with this for a while. Why would there be so much emphasis on dreams in the Old Testament if they have no importance today? What are your thoughts on this? There is a continuing theme in many of my dreams, and although I've been told by several people that "they are just dreams," I can't help but think they are really something more.
I need a prophet.
One, I didn't know you could make all your comments start off the same. Weird.
ReplyDeleteTwo, Dreams are important. Not for everyone, but depends. I know a prophet.
Dreams are always important. :) Sometimes they serve as a way for us to unwind and to use our imagination, sometimes they are our subconscious trying to help us work out a difficult problem, and sometimes they are God trying to tell us something.